Creative Writing Services - CWS
English is one of the compulsory subjects taught in Pakistan. There are a lot of efforts being put in to be competent in English. Every educational institution focuses English language more than other subjects. There are numerous ways and techniques used in educational institutions to become English language proficient. Institution wide activities are designed and methodologies are defined to achieve learning outcomes. Unfortunately, our learners are still behind to be language proficient in competencies set by national curriculum. Writing skills is also one of those competencies. Few talented learners opt for creative writing out of their interest but lack of proper writing learning environment becomes a great barrier in their progress.
Current Practices
It has been observed that most of the educational institutions consider the importance of creative writing but there are no special programs that could teach learners step by step writing techniques. There are no particular activities based on creative writing skills. Most of the publishing companies are not adding creative writing as a basic and regular task of learning. Learners are bound to practice writing through rote learning.
Problem Statement
Syllabus plays an important role to achieve learning outcomes. It shows a way how to achieve each competency at a particular level. A number of publishers working across Pakistan, are trying to publish their material to enrich learners with competencies. But most of the part, learning focus in based on reading and writing aspect of language. ESP unlike publishers is playing its significant role in designing national curriculum based services that focuses on language skills like reading comprehension, writing, listening and speaking, vocabulary building, and phonics as well. But there are the following issues in the way of making learners creative in writing:
- Ideas are taught in scattered writing concepts
- Writing skill is focused once in a unit
- No understanding of writing structure
- Limited practice prompts
- Only writing task is given
ESP Creative Writing Skills
Educational Services Pakistan (ESP) is working on providing solutions to educational institutions and learners both. ESP has successfully launched Explore Career Compatibility (ECC) services, Educational Inspection Services and Instructional Supervision Services. Keeping in view the best practices of other services, Creative Writing Services is newly added solution for educational institutions and learners in the ESP product line. This Creative Writing Services is aligned with English Language National Curriculum 2017. It has been designed for the learners of grade 1 to grade 5. This series has been developed to open a new world of creativity in writing through the involvement of learners inductively. It develops learner’ learning from word level to learning three types of writing as; descriptive, narrative, and expository. Moreover, it focuses on controlled writing techniques that include the sentence, paragraph, and essay structure through an interesting approach. The salient features of this service are:
- Aligned with National Curriculum
- Repeated exercises on daily basis
- Words leading to sentence
- Sentences leading to paragraph
- Paragraphs leading to essayS

Find Your Benefit...!!!
Benefits for Learners
Learners will be able to learn creative writing through each grade level activities in an interesting way. They are not supposed to learn creative writing in a traditional way where there is only creative writing task is assigned without any proper plan. Learners will get benefit to learn from word level to three types of writing as descriptive, narrative and expository.
Benefits for Teachers
Teachers will be able to teach creative writing through an organized way without putting much effort. They will be able to trace the progress of learners on weekly basis. They can build the learners’ creativity in writing in a simple and easy way.
Benefits for Educational Institutions
The educational institutions will be able to market themselves over their focus on creative writing skills. The educational institutions can highlight the importance of creative writing within its circle. The educational institutions can show its efforts to the parents of learners about creative writing skills.